The purpose of this site is to assist people who are quitting drugs.
How can a site do this?
By providing articles written by fellow quitters who describe what they went through when they quit.
By allowing you to write about your own experience to share with others.
By providing a chat room where you can get help during your terrible craves.
By providing you with the facility to join the chat room to assist others with their terrible craves.
By providing a forum where you can post your promise to quit each and every day and to keep count of your day’s quit.
By providing a forum to post your introduction and to log your experiences so you can refer back to this site.
The sit is just launching and we need you to join, post your introduction, post your roll call and join our chat room.
Click on the community link for the forum.
Click on the chat room link for the chatroom.
I quit with you today.