I never thought I would quit/be in recovery.
I thought I would I could make it a day let alone a few.
Then a miracle happened and I found an online site that helped me with a smokeless tobacco site.
Quitting smokeless tobacco is likened to quitting/recovering from heroin.
After 300 days of quit I decided to start this site to help people in recovery from drugs including heroin and opiod addiction.
To be successful, you must make up your mind and decide you are in recovery.
When feelings of needing hit you, you must distract your attention and focus on something else immediately.
You must exercise daily.
You must eat three square meals a day.
Drink OJ other fruit drinks that give you sugar and release endorphins in your brain. When take drugs you brain release endorphins. The sugar in fruit drinks will help supply sugar to give you that little kick.
Two more days to go.
I join you in recovery today.
Dundoping day 998