How do you start your day?
I start my day posting roll call.
As soon as I get up, I make a cup of coffee and head to the computer or my phone and post roll call.
Why post roll call?
It is my promise to myself and to the group that I quit for another day.
It is the way I hang on daily.
As you know, some days are easy and some days are hard.
If it is a hard day, you can reach out to others and get support.
If it is an easy day, you can check in and see how others are doing and offer them support.
How Do You Accurately Track Your Days Quit?
The front page of Quit The Habit provides a place to enter your quit date. It then tracks this information and has it available every time your revisit the web page.
If you use the site from your mobile phone, once you enter your quit date there, it stays there so you always know how many days you are quit.
Why Post Roll Call First Thing In The Day
Because it your promise to yourself and others. It is better to take care of this first thing in the day otherwise, as your day gets busier, you may forget about it.
This is your way to renew your promise.