Do not forget to post roll call.
Have you decided to start on the road-to-recovery? Are you sick and tired of being a slave to your addiction? Are you in Recovery from Heroin, Opioids or some similar narcotic?
Congratulations! Your decision to regain your freedom is one of the best you’ll ever make! helps people in recovery by providing support from people who understand what you’re going through – we’ve all either been right where you are or have supported someone who has.
Starting on the Road to Recovery isn’t easy and we won’t tell you otherwise. In fact, it may be the most difficult thing you ever do.
Adding a support system to your Recovery will greatly increase your chances of success.
Their are clinics to help you get started. Their are recovery coaches that you can see every couple of weeks. There are also Narcotics Anonymous meetings.
These are all wonderful support systems.
We are not here to replace them but to augment them.
Our goal is to have recovery coaches on this site 24 by 7. We are just starting so it may take a few months before we are manned 24 by 7.
If you know anyone in recovery that needs support, please ask them to join to get support.
If you know anyone who is a sponsor, please ask them to join to provide support to our community.
How we work:
1. We ask people new to our site to post their introduction so we can reach out and welcome them.
2. We ask that once you join that you commit to posting roll call daily. This is your commitment to yourself and to the Quit the Habit Community that you are serious about recovery.
3. Join our chat room to see if anyone is on that you can assist or who can assist you.
Roll call is our DAILY promise that we will stick to our Recovery Plan.
Join our site by selecting the register button.
Then select Introduction from the menu to introduce yourself to the group.
Select Roll Call and find today’s date, April 9, 2018 and enter your alias name and your number of days quit. If you are just starting today, that would be one.