You did not stumble onto this website by accident my friend. You are here because deep down you want to quit using tobacco. Am I right?
Oh! your here because you had another one of those dip related fights with your wife. Which one of the hundred dip related fights did you have? Did you drop your spitter and stain the carpet? You dropped one in the car while driving and now your console is all sticky and smells like ass. Oh, the big one. You promised to quit for (enter reason to quit here) and that has come and gone and your still piling that shit into your face.
Is it possible that you stumbled onto this website late at night because you are scared shittless right now? You haven’t told anyone yet but your gums really hurt and you have one of those white patches on the inside of your lip. All you can think about right now is your wife and kids sleeping quietly as you feverishly look for help and answers. Imagine what it would be like having to tell them that you have to cut your face off because cancer is eating it away.
Let me tell you something. I was that guy. Promises to the wife came and fell to the curb side. Fights over me having what she called “shit in your mouth.” The car was disgusting, stains and flakes all over the place. Believe it or not I was neglecting my daughter. Think about it. Have you ever chose dip over your child? Think really hard. You may not like to admit it. When my wife worked nights I would put my daughter to bed no later than 7. Why? Because I needed a fucking dip. I thought I was doing the right thing by not dipping around her. Wrong!!! I still have not forgave myself for that selfish act.
Sound familiar? It should, everyone of the thousands of quitters on this site has the same story. Started when we were young and stupid, grew up and realized how stupid we really were. We have no shame in asking for help when we need it. We lean on each other when necessary. The only people that know what you are feeling and what you are going through are all right here, on this site.
I won’t tell you to quit, that doesn’t work. Family and friends told me to quit for years. You have to tell yourself you want to be quit. Do you know what freedom is? I can’t tell you but, I can show you if you join this site and quit using that crap you put in your mouth.
Honestly what do you have to lose? This site is free, it will cost you nothing to join. Come join us quitters. I promise you won’t regret it.
NOTE: This piece written by KillTheCan.org forum member Turkey